Blocked or Blinded Tesla Pillar Cameras (Fixed!)

Are you getting persistent warnings about your Tesla’s pillar cameras being blocked or blinded? These alerts may result from dirt, grime, extreme weather conditions, or even sun glare obstructing these crucial sensors.

Our comprehensive guide will help navigate this commonly faced problem by providing easily executable solutions to restore your camera’s visibility. Let’s dive in and keep those belts of innovation running smoothly!

Key Takeaways

  • Tesla pillar cameras must be clean to work well. A soft, dry cloth helps remove dirt or dust.
  • Resetting the camera system can fix many camera problems. This is like rebooting a computer.
  • Blocked or blinded cameras may stop key features in a Tesla car. Cleaning the lens often makes things better.
  • Warning alerts from your Tesla’s system help spot any camera issues early on for fixes and checks.
A Tesla Model S parked on a city street with blocked pillar cameras.

What are Blocked or Blinded Tesla Pillar Cameras and How to Recognize Them

Blocked or blinded Tesla pillar cameras are security features in your electric vehicle that may become obstructed or impaired, leading to reduced visibility. Understanding the warning alerts and physical signs of these conditions can help you address them promptly for optimal vehicular safety.

Common warning alerts

Your Tesla car will tell you if there’s a problem. Here are some common warning alerts to watch for:

  1. The alert for a blocked right door pillar camera. This happens when the camera can’t see well because of outside issues.
  2. The alert for a broken neural network in the camera. In this case, your car’s camera is not seeing any objects.
  3. The alert for a blinded left door pillar camera. This problem stops the camera from focusing as it should.
  4. Safety concerns may rise due to wrong visual input from any blocked or blinded camera.
  5. You might also get an alert if something is blocking the lens of your car’s camera.

Visible indicators of blocked or blinded cameras

You can spot blocked or blinded cameras on your Tesla car in a few ways:

  1. See a warning alert on your screen. It tells you that the door pillar camera is blocked or blinded.
  2. The left or right door pillar cameras won’t give good information.
  3. You might see messages that say your camera can’t focus.
  4. If there’s water or dirt, it may stop the camera from seeing well.
  5. Sometimes, if the autopilot doesn’t work right, it could mean the camera has problems.
  6. Your car might think the camera is broken because it can’t sense any things around it.

Understanding the Issue: Tesla Pillar Camera Blocked or Blinded

Maybe something is in the way. Or, maybe it just can’t see well.

This trouble hurts your car’s safety. Your car needs to see all around it to keep you safe from harm. If a camera has a block, it might make the smart car think the road is clear when it’s not! This could cause accidents.

To fix this, clean your camera or let it try to regain its sight on its own.

Troubleshooting and Fixing Blocked or Blinded Cameras

This section delves into comprehensive solutions for blocked or blinded cameras, discussing techniques such as resetting the camera system, thorough cleaning practices, and checking for any potential obstructions.

Resetting the camera system

Resetting the camera system can fix a lot of camera problems. Here are some simple steps you can take:

  1. Turn off your Tesla car.
  2. Wait for a couple of minutes and let the car rest.
  3. After waiting, start up your Tesla car again.
  1. Go to ‘Controls’ on the touch screen panel in your Tesla.
  2. Click on ‘Safety & Security’.
  3. Look for the option ‘Camera Clear Cache’.
  4. Tap this option and wait for it to finish.

Cleaning the cameras

You must keep your Tesla’s pillar cameras clean. Here are some tips for doing this:

  1. Use a soft, dry cloth for wiping. Do not scratch the lens.
  2. Do not use harsh cleaners. They can damage the camera lenses.
  3. Ensure you clear all dirt or debris that could block the camera’s view.
  4. Clean the cameras on a regular schedule to prevent blockages or blinding.
  5. Check the cameras after driving in bad weather. Snow, mud or heavy rain may cloud them.
  6. Keep an eye on the warning alerts in your car’s system. They may tell you when it’s time to clean.

Checking for obstructions

Checking for obstructions in Tesla pillar cameras is a key step. There could be several things blocking your camera view.

  1. Dust or dirt may stick to the camera lens. Clean it with a soft cloth.
  2. If there are bugs or insects on the lens, wipe them away gently.
  3. Snow or ice on the lens can also blur the view. Remove any snow or ice carefully.
  4. Check if an item has been stuck onto the camera from outside, like leaves or stickers.

Troubleshooting Alerts for Other Systems

Various alerts may signal issues with other systems such as automatic emergency braking, autopilot features, and high voltage battery performance. Discover how to address these warning signs for a safer driving experience in the next section.

Automatic emergency braking

Your Tesla car has a tool for staying safe. This is the automatic emergency braking system. It kicks in when there’s danger, sounding a loud chime and flashing a visual alert. If you see this, press hard on your brake pedal right away! Sometimes, trouble alerts can make this feature stop working.

Your dashboard may show a warning that it’s turned off, but don’t worry. Fixes usually involve an inspection of the safety systems by experts at Tesla. They’ll check things and get your car back into shape soon!

Autopilot features

Autopilot is a key feature in Tesla cars. It can guide your car on its own. But, this needs clear vision from all cameras. If one camera can’t see well, Autopilot might not work right.

Blocked or blinded cameras may stop the use of Autopilot features. This could be due to dirt or moisture on them. The Model 3 shows a warning message if there’s an issue with a camera.

So keeping your Tesla’s cameras clean helps Autopilot do its job.


Autosteer is a part of Tesla’s self-driving technology. It uses data from vehicle cameras for smooth, safe drives. Blocked or blinded pillar cameras can mess up Autosteer. Dirty lenses, poor weather, and bad road marks are common issues.

The right pillar camera may get blocked with no lens blockage! If you see alerts about your cameras, inspect them fast. Clean the lenses well and look for any things that might block their view.

Keep your car in top shape to enjoy the best of Autosteer tech.

Cruise control

Cruise control is a key feature in Tesla cars. It helps the driver keep a steady speed. It uses cameras to see other cars on the road. But, cruise control can stop working if these cameras are blocked or blinded.

This means you will not be able to use it until you fix the issue with your camera. To fix it, clean your camera and check for things that may block its view of the road. Be alert while driving at all times even when using cruise control for safety reasons.

High voltage battery performance and charging

Your Tesla’s high voltage battery plays a key role in your car’s performance. You may face a drop in the battery level if there are issues. These can be due to charging system equipment, or lack of high-powered charging.

It’s good to keep an eye on the charge level for signs of trouble. The auxiliary battery also charges on its own during ready mode or while the main one is getting charged up. When using special gear like 480-volt AC input, you get faster charge times which lifts your car’s performance.

Troubleshooting Alerts for Wall Connector and Charging Issues

Encounter charging issues in your Tesla? We’ll guide you through resolving wall connector errors, grounding problems, and difficulties with the vehicle’s connection to the charge handle.

Continue reading to ensure that your electric vehicle stays powered up and ready for the road.

Insufficient grounding

Grounding issues can stop your Tesla from charging. The Wall Connector may show an error message like “High ground resistance detected.” This means there is not enough grounding. Grounding helps keep your car safe when it charges.

It stops bad things like electric shocks. If you see this message, do not use the charger until a pro checks it out!

Wall Connector issues

Wall Connector problems can stop your car from charging. Sometimes, a flashing red light is a sign of trouble. Disconnecting and then reconnecting the device helps fix this issue. If that doesn’t work, try turning off the circuit breaker for a minute before turning it back on.

Sensor-based issues may also occur if your Tesla cannot find the charger. In such cases, check whether there are any objects near or around the Wall Connector causing this problem.

Moreover, WiFi troubles could pose challenges while using some features of the Wall Connector. To solve them, ensure that you have good internet coverage in your parking area where you charge your vehicle.

Lastly, an unknown internal issue might be detected by the device itself which can disrupt its working altogether as stated in Tesla Model Y owner’s manual which suggests disconnecting and then connecting it again to solve such difficulties.

Charge handle and vehicle connection issues

Sometimes your Tesla car may not charge right. This could be due to problems with the charge handle or where it connects to the car. The 2021 Tesla Model Y owner’s manual has steps to find and fix these issues.

One warning sign is seeing damage on the charging port, cable, or handle. Also, if there is water in any of these parts, this can stop your vehicle from charging too. Be safe! If you see any damage or water, call a pro who knows how electric systems work.

Do not try to fix these things by yourself!

Wall Connector configuration

You might get alerts about your Wall Connector. The problem could be its setup. It’s key to have your Wall Connector set right for your Tesla car to charge well. Flashing red lights or Wi-Fi connection problems are signs of trouble.

First, if there are issues, turn off the circuit breaker. Then, take out the connector and plug it back in again. This can fix many problems with the Wall Connector configuration. If it still does not work well, check on how you limit who can use it.


If your Tesla’s pillar cameras are blocked or blind, don’t worry. You can fix it! Keep the cameras clean and check for things that block them. With these steps, your electric vehicle will be safe on the road again.


1. What does it mean when Tesla’s pillar cameras are blocked or blinded?

When Tesla’s pillar cameras are blocked or blinded, they cannot see clearly which can affect how the car detects objects and people.

2. How can I check if my Tesla’s pillar camera lens is clean?

You can look at the side mirror area of your Tesla to check whether the pillar cameras’ lenses are clean or not.

3. What do I use to clean a dirty Tesla Pillar Camera?

A soft cloth with warm soapy water is good for cleaning a dirty Tesla Pillar Camera.

4. Can I fix any issues with my Tesla’s Pillar Cameras by myself?

No, it’s not safe to fix any issues with your Tesla’s Pillar Cameras on your own; you should seek help from an authorized service center.

5. Are there warnings on the dashboard if my car’s Pillar Cameras aren’t working right?

Yes, your car will display a warning message on its screen if there’s a problem with its Pillar Cameras.

Jonathan Rice

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